Keeping kids safe from the harmful effects of sun damage to skin is very important. Some estimates are that kids are likely to receive 80% of their lifetime sun exposure during the first 18 years of life. One study estimated that regular use of sunscreen before age 18 would reduce the lifetime [...]
Summer in Manitoba provides so many opportunities to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. It also provides a wide array of annoyances like mosquitos, swimmers itch, poison ivy, prickly heat rash and sunburn to name a few, which can all leave us itching and scratching.
Summer brings us outside to enjoy the pleasures and benefits of the great outdoors. Detracting from that pure pleasure is the knowledge that there were an estimated 81,700 cases of non-melanoma skin cancer predicted in Canada for 2013. We can protect ourselves against skin cancer, one of the [...]
The motivation behind making sunscreen from scratch, other than cutting costs, is ingredient control. While it makes sense to be concerned about what chemicals could be absorbed into your skin, it’s important to remember that all sunscreens go through rigorous Health Canada testing before being [...]